
Choosing The Right Truss For Your Property

There is no denying that the roof is the most important structure in any home. If you were to forget about any essential repairs to your roof you would certainly know about it quite quickly. Aber Roof Truss provides their clients with reliable, highly beneficial roof trusses and bespoke designs. Roofs have been designed and […]

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Our feature trusses are stunning and life-long lasting

Feature roof trusses are incredibly attractive hardwood trusses that not only support the roof above, but visually captivate all those that are in the building. A feature roof truss is often a fully bespoke design and builds project that can be made out of a range of wood styles. These trusses could consist of oak […]

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Here at Aber Roof Truss, we generate a lot of excess timber due to the number of offcuts we produce on a daily basis. That means that we are now providing firewood for an incredibly reasonable price. So if you require some firewood for a cosy night in, in front of the wood-burning fire/stove then […]

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Roof Trusses Significantly Reduce Building Time

To many of those outside of the construction industry, building an entire house might seem like a mammoth task which would likely to take months to complete. This was once an accurate perception, but advancements in building materials and techniques have helped to significantly reduce the labour and amount of time it takes to construct […]

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Why You Should Be Using Roof Trusses

Roof trusses, whether you’re familiar with the name or not has become a much favoured roof framing method. In America, it’s estimated that 80% of new homes are constructed with manufactured roof trusses, and the number is likely to be the same for the UK. Every roof truss is bespoke made to suit the size […]

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